Buy crypto using your credit card or bank card (Visa or MasterCard), Apple Pay, or Google Pay or Bank Transfer.
Tip: To receive crypto or transfer crypto from another wallet, see How To Receive Crypto
Note: Buying cryptocurrencies has higher fraud filters than other card purchases, please ensure that your payment method information matches exactly as in your bank statement and your document or ID.
1. Go to Payment Menu > Crypto Wallet Balances
2. On the list of cryptocurrencies, look for cryptocurrency you want to buy and click on the buy button
3. Select your local currency (if other than USD)
To select your local currency (other than USD) click on the dropdown next to the currency and search or select your desired currency
4. Enter total amount you want to pay or how much you want to receive and click Buy Now
5. If this is your first time buying, you will need to submit your information for verification (KYC)
a) On the "Please enter your email screen" your BananaCrystal email will be pre-filled, click Next
We recommend that you don't change because if you return to buy you will need to submit your information all over again.
b) Verify your Email by entering the code sent to your email
c) Fill in your Personal Details exactly as they appear on your document
d) Enter your address
e) Attach your document or ID and your Selfie
To submit your photos you can do it via desktop or using your mobile phone
e) After you submit your KYC info and photos, please allow 5 - 10 minutes for your KYC to be processed.
6. If you have submitted your KYC details before, simply add or select a payment method from the dropdown.
5. Review and confirm your order and check to authorize, agree to the terms and confirm.
6. You will be redirected back to your dashboard and your crypto order will be processed in a few minutes (5 - 10 minutes).
What to do if your crypto order is not going through
If your crypto order is not going through, check your emails of text messages for possible authorization requests from your bank (check spam folder).
Buying crypto has higher fraud filters than other card purchases (similar to a cash advance w/o the cash advance fees). Therefore, ensure that your name and the billing address exactly matches as in your bank card statement.
Also, please ensure that you only have one order/form open in your browser (and not multiple forms).
What to do if you receive and email, text or app message from your bank requesting that you confirm that its you (not fraud)
First, confirm that request.
Then, try again and redo the crypto order.
Note: You will not be double charged because your bank flagged and denied the previous funding order, so you will need to redo it in order to buy crypto.