When funding your account with bank or credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay or a Bank Transfer, your financial institution may block your funding order until they confirm that your funding order is not fraudulent.
If your funding order is not going through, check your emails, text messages and/or app message for possible alerts or authorization requests from your bank or financial institution (check spam folder).
Also, please ensure that you only have one order/form open in your browser (and not multiple forms).
Note: Funding your account with a card or bank transfer has higher fraud filters than other regular card purchases,
(e.g similar to a cash advance w/o the cash advance fees).
Please ensure that when you are entering your payment method information matches exactly as in your bank statement and your document or ID.
What to do if you receive and email, text or app message from your bank requesting that you confirm that its you (not fraud)
First, confirm that request.
Then, try again and redo the funding order.
Note: You will not be double charged because your bank flagged and denied the previous funding order, so you will need to redo it in order add funds to your account.